A royalty run is how Royalties HQ allocates royalties to rights holders.
- Each royalty run is for one royalty period type, for example, all annual titles or all quarterly titles. Titles with different royalty period types cannot be mixed in one royalty run.
- Each royalty run is for one period, for example, a specific year or quarter.
Royalty run inputs and outputs #
A royalty run depends on two types of ‘input’ from your sales channels (e.g. distributors):
- Sales data
- Publisher income payments
The outputs of the royalty run are, per rights holder:
- Royalty statement PDF
- A bill (effectively an invoice from the rights holder, explaining the payment due to the rights holder)
Preparing for a royalty run #
A royalty run can only be created after all sales data and publisher income have been imported and linked in Royalties HQ.
- Import your sales data
- Import your Publisher Income Import
- Link each publisher income payment to one or more sales batches. This results in each sale line in that batch being automatically converted from the currency of the sale to your publisher currency.
When this is done, a royalty run can be started at main menu > Royalty Runs > Create New Royalty Run.