In Royalties HQ, a title can have multiple formats. Examples of formats are: softcover, hardcover, ebook, audiobook. We refer to a specific format of a title as a “Title format “. Sometimes this is referred to as an “edition”.
Titles #
In Royalties HQ, a title is the ‘parent’ of its title formats.
Each title has only basic info:
- Title Name
- Royalty period (E.g. annual, quarterly)
- Royalty Period Start (This only applies to some title royalty periods, for instance, quarterly, you select, which month the quarterly period starts in)
- Title code. This is a unique identifier for the title (Note: this is not an ISBN, which apply to title formats) if you do not maintain unique IDs for titles, royalties HQ will automatically create one for each of your titles.
All other data relating to your titles are stored at the title format level. Let’s look at that now.
Title formats #
As described above, the title format refers to a specific format (or edition) of a title. For instance, the e-book format of a specific title. Often, title formats have an ISBN, but not always.
Required fields #
Each title format requires at least one of ISBN and ASIN:
- ISBN – The international ID for book products.
- ASIN – Amazon’s proprietary product identifier, e.g. used for Kindle e-books (Amazon ebooks do not require an ISBN).
- Product Type – softcover, hardcover, e-book, audiobook, etc
- Status – The status of this title format, defaults to ‘Active’. Inactive titles will not be included in statements where the format has not made any sales. However, inactive title formats (ISBNs) are included in statements where sales are made and royalties have accrued.
Optional fields #
Optional data for a title (the first three are recommended):
Date First Published. Note: Title formats (ISBNs) that have a published date after the period of a royalty run will be left out of that royalty run. Make sure you add a published date to prevent a title format being included in royalty runs for periods prior to its publish date.
- Legacy Units Sold – Use this field to record the number of units sold for this title format prior to using Royalties HQ.
- Legacy Royalties Earned – Use this field to record the net royalties earned by this title format prior to using Royalties HQ.
- Date withdrawn from publication
- Number of Pages – Applies to printed product types only
- Imprint – The imprinter, publisher, brand/name under which this title format was published.
Importing titles and title formats #
Title formats can be imported in bulk. Learn more here.
Ownership #
Rights holders, ownership, tiers, and the royalty model can all be set on the title format. Learn more about configuring ownership of title formats.